President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has urged parliamentarians to work extra hard so that they can retain their seats, adding that his own is secure.

“Tauya kwamuri kuzochemera kuvhoterwa. Ndimi mashefu edu, dai taizvivhotera tega hataimbouya kwamuri sezvataita izvi.

“Ini ndinoziva kuti chigaro changu ndinodzoka pachiri. Hameno imi nhengo dzeparamende motoshanda nesimba kuti mudzoke zvakare,” he said.

(We have come to you today so that you may vote us into office. You are our bosses, if we had the power to vote ourselves into power, we wouldn’t have come to you like we did today.

(I know my seat as President is secured. I will retain the post. Unlike I, you parliamentarians have to work extra hard so that you can retain their seats.)

Mnangagwa made these sentiments when he addressed a star rally in Midlands yesterday.

Meanwhile, President Mnangagwa called for the beating of wayward children, so that they return to the rails.

“Kune dzimwe nyika ukarova mwana anofona kumapurisa mubereki osungwa. Asi muno mu Zimbabwe ndinoti vabereki rovai vana vanemisikanzwa kuti vatitasa.

(Unlike in some countries, if you beat up a child he/ she can phone the police and have the parent arrested. However, here in Zimbabwe I urge parents to beat up wayward children so that they return to the rails,” he said.

Apparently, despite his party ZANU PF being fingered in acts of violence, Mnangagwa called for peace before, during and after elections saying those found on the wrong side of the law will be dealt with without fear or favour.
