ZANU PF First Secretary and President, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has challenged Politburo to provide guidance and leadership to party members.

This he said during the 376th Ordinary Session of the Politburo at the Party headquarters this Wednesday.

Speaking during the session, President Mnangagwa said party structures must be strong as this is the power base.

“The Politburo is called upon to continuously nurture adherence to the correct line of the Party by providing the requisite guidance and leadership,” President Mnangagwa said.

“Musangano wedu weZANU PF wakasimba kuma-Cell. Hence, the ongoing renewal and mobilisation of new members for the growth of the Party must be supported to ensure that the grassroots structures of our Party are properly structured.

“Our robust mobilisation strategies, people-centered programmes and projects, including the ongoing restructuring exercise, must see more new members joining the Party.

“I challenge the Commissariat Department to sharpen its approaches alongside other wings of the Party towards realising mobilisation targets.

“More cell structures must be realised in both urban and rural areas. This goal must also be complemented by the electronic registration of all our Party cadres.”

President Mnangagwa added that there should be unity of purpose.

“As we undertake all Party activities, let us remain aware that ZANU PF is a Party that belongs to the people. We are a mass revolutionary Party. The Party is supreme.

“We are a people’s Party, a revolutionary mass Party by the people and for the people. Hatidi mazvake-mazvake.

“Differences in opinion and approaches among a few must never derail the course of our Party’s overall objective to realise economic growth, prosperity for all and a higher quality of life for our people,” he said.

“Let us promote and inculcate collective and responsible leadership, across the cell/village, branch, ward, district and provincial level, right up to the national level.

“Leaders and cadres of the Party are, therefore, challenged to always demonstrate hard work, patriotism, loyalty, persistence and consistency, as well as unwavering love for our Party and motherland, Zimbabwe. We can never be found wanting in this regard.”

ZANU PF Patriots