On Friday the 12th of October 2018, Tajamuka is inviting you to a press conference at the media centre. You can also invite your friends and any other people who you think could be interested to attend.

The press conference will announce the dates of the national shutdown, following the expiry of the ultimatum that we gave to Mthuli Ncube to reverse a raft of measures that have resulted in untold suffering for the generality of the people of Zimbabwe.

After the press conference, Tajamuka and leaders of its key partners will address members of the public in and around Harare.

It is important that you attend and be part of this heroic and historic event.

After our national consultative process, we believe that the people of Zimbabwe are OUTRAGED and cannot wait to partake in the national shutdown to show the government how angry they are with Mthuli Ncube’s policy of stealing from the people to pay debts which were incurred by and only benefited government officials and those connected to them.

Our consultations also revealed something unprecedented; it is not only members of the opposition or people in the urban areas who are angry and raring to act, it is the entire population including the rural population, zanu pf members and supporters, vendors, civil servants, students, workers, churches, the unemployed, youths, women, diaspora, school children, the disabled, the elderly, EVERYONE is FED UP!

It is time to act and act together as citizens!

*Tajamuka/Sesjikile Campaign*

People’s Revolutionary Council