In a very depressing incident which occurred in rural Seke yesterday, three school-going teenagers drowned in a water-logged pit that was left by sand poachers in the communal settlement.

The three- Blessing Ndhlala (15), a Form Two student, 12-year-old Stephen Masaure, who is in Grade Six, and Queentine Madamombe, a Grade Three pupil- were in the company of their grandmother, Gogo Mavis Nzara (69), fetching firewood in Mayambara Village, when tragedy struck on Tuesday.

“We were looking for firewood along the river bank when the children went to the pit. Pavandisiya ndafunga kuti vari kunotsvaga makavi. One of them shouted for help and when I rushed there, I found them struggling, and Itried in vain to rescue them,” Gogo Mavis was quoted by one state-owned tabloid as saying.

A grief-stricken Gogo Mavis also added that she did not know why the children did not go to swim in the ‘shallow water’, adding:

“They just went into the pit for a reason I do not know”.
