Movement for Democratic Change-Alliance deputy National chairperson, Job Sikhala says no one under President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s dictatorial rule.

He says when Mnangagwa was persecuting members of the opposition, most people within his circles urged him to press even harder.

“People saw this happening to us & they were encouraging Mnangagwa’s dictatorship to press more hard.

“No one is safe ne mbimbindoga iyi. Even those who fought the liberation struggle are being treated like common criminals for demanding fair pensions by a liberation war pretender,” he says.

Meanwhile, under Mnangagwa’s current rule, Sikhala has been in and out of jail on what has been described as tramped up charges.

The ZANU-PF regime has over the years been known for persecuting opposition party members and their leaders.

Sikhala’s comments follow the arrest of 40 war veterans for protesting demanding better pensions and general welfare.

The former liberation war fighters wanted to deliver a petition of their concerns to Parliament and President Mnangagwa’s office when they were arrested.
