Former cabinet minister Walter Mzembi has accused Zimbabweans of prompting their leaders into dangerous acts and then dump them when they get in trouble.

Mzembi who is independent presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere’s campaign team chairperson says Zimbabweans should take responsibility after misleading leaders into trouble.

“Zimbabweans have this uncanny habit of prompting leaders into danger without taking responsibility themselves.

“The story of Job Sikhala and Jacob Ngarivhume is testimony of how one is easily forgotten even by his own once incarcerated. Sacrificing people!,” He says.

Ngarivhume, who was convicted of charges of incitement of public violence on 27 April was on 28 April sentenced to an effective three years’ imprisonment without an option of a fine.

Harare Magistrate Feresi Chakanyuka sentenced him to 48 months in jail but suspended 12 months on the condition that during the next five years, Ngarivhume is not convicted of a similar offence.

The sentencing came after the magistrate dismissed as frivolous and vexatious an application by Ngarivhume’s lawyers, Professor Lovemore Madhuku and Moses Nkomo for referral to the Constitutional Court challenging section 192 of the Criminal Code.

This section provides that any person convicted of incitement shall be liable for the same punishment liable to a person who would have actually committed the crime.

Ngarivhume was arrested on 20 July 2020 and was initially charged jointly with investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono.

The charge emanated from posts he had made on Twitter urging people to protest against government corruption on 31 July 2020.

On 22 July 2020, Chin’ono and Ngarivhume made their initial appearances in the Magistrate Court. He was denied bail on four different occasions. He spent a total of 45 days in remand detention.

Apparently, Sikhala in one of the counts was given a wholly suspended six months sentence with an option of paying US$ 600 or spending six months in jail.

Sikhala’s trial was linked to a video posted on the internet in which he is accused of saying that the ruling Zanu-PF party had killed Moreblessing Ali, a CCC activist.

Sikhala, who has been detained since June last year, denied making the video and an expert witness testified in court that the footage had been tampered with.
