Political Reporter- Simba Moyo

“I didn’t know you had such a good maize crop at your farm in Mazoe. It surprises me as to why you were criticising the Command Agriculture program that you in fact had benefited from,” Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa would have sounded as he quizzes Moyo.

The Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education in Zimbabwe Professor Jonathan Moyo recently confessed that he was roasted by V P Mnangagwa over his unfriendly view on command agriculture, after benefiting from it.

The VP had returned from a tour where he had visited Moyo’s striving crop in Mashonaland Central’s Mazoe area.

Many people have since been asking the same question, and despite benefiting for the command agriculture program, Moyo could still not praise it. It is a mind game, this could be why.

Respected political commentator and lawyer who was also adviser to former Prime Minister and the constitution making team, Alex Magaisa says the command program is broader ideology that could have far reaching implications in determining the power succession struggle.

He says ideology and policy-orientations associated with certain personalities has far reaching impressions on people.

He says in championing the program Mnangagwa, has even managed to even eclipse his boss, President Robert Mugabe, subordinate outshining his master. He says though he could have done it in good faith in representing his boss, but as the face of the program, people may associate it more with him than with the boss.

“I am more interested in the ideology that informs it and its possible implications. If it is pronounced successful, it will obvious bring more than a good harvest, as it will also bring political profit to Mnangagwa,” he wrote in one of his big read, ideas in politics.

This could be the benefit that the learned professor (Moyo) could have picked from being able to read between the line, and as such went on an overdrive criticising the whole project altogether.

Moyo had claimed that the program was being used for political gains, though he did not elaborate further on that point, it has become clear as to what he meant by those claims, he knew it gives an edge to his foe, the VP himself.

Moyo said he stood by what he had said and maintained that he was trying to correct misconceptions, and would not let some people make a political gain out of it.