Six officials, including two serving councillors, from Nelson Chamisa’s opposition MDC Alliance are set to appear at the Kwekwe magistrates court this Tuesday.

The sextet was arrested seven months ago for singing a song with lyrics denigrating Zimbabwe leader Emmerson Mnangagwa. They reportedly committed the offence at Mbizo 4 Shopping centre in Kwekwe.

“Mnangagwa wauraya nyika (You have destroyed the country, Mnangagwa),” partly goes the lyrics of the song.

The six opposition figures who are set to appear in court include Ward 5 Councillor Melody Chingarande, Ward 12 Councillor Washington Moyo, Midlands provincial youth chairperson Sekai Marashe, Leonard Musemwa, Lovemore Savanhu and Tinashe Nyamushosho.

Their trial comes at a time when Mnangagwa’s Zanu PF Government has come under fierce criticism for its vicious application of the ‘persecution by prosecution’ strategy to silence dissent.

The accused six are on record saying they did not commit any offence.

more details to follow…