One of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ‘staunch’ supporter has implored him to find common ground with his arch rival and MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa.

According to Killer Zivhu, Mnangagwa needs Chamisa more than any other Zimbabwean, for sanctions to be lifted and for the country to prosper.

The former ZANU PF MP for Chivi South Constituency says while he remains a staunch Mnangagwa supporter, he won’t stop constructive criticism.

“Guys I will remain a ZANU PF member no matter what may come, my support to ED will never change chero kouyeyi. Asi chokwadi chinovaka nyika handiregi kutaura especially now that the is no protocol to follow.

“ED needs Chamisa better than any other Zimbabwean for sanctions to go,” he says.

Zivhu also bemoans rampant corruption within the corridors of power, as well as the damaging sanctions.

“Ruling Party stop corruption you are in power you can stop it.

“MDC-A, MDC-T and other opposition Parties stop sanctions you asked for them you can stop them.

“Then Zimbabwe can move forward our problems are not natural but ndeekuzvisvagira toga,” says Zivhu.

He also urges ZANU PF to learn from ANC of South Africa which is tolerant of opposition parties, and do not treat them as enemies.

“ANC is one of the best revolutionary part in Africa they tolerate and accommodates opposition parties in South Africa. Opposition members are not enemies of state,” he points out.

Meanwhile, Zivhu also warns that Chamisa cannot be weakened by defections of party members who are joining ZANU PF, says the only tool that can destroy Chamisa is when the ruling party delivers development to citizens.

“Those who think Chamisa is finished muka ubike doro, he can’t be finished by the defections of some old clueless and tired politicians.

“Only tangible projects by the ruling party can finish him not parading of some disgruntled politicians,” he says.
