Mnangagwa camp encourages Herald to expose rival Zanu PF faction

Political Reporter

It’s dog eat dog. War behind the scenes, ZANU PF succession war is real.

Local Government Minister Saviour Kasukuwere had to be restrained recently as he charged at Zimpapers journalists for allegedly siding with his enemy in the succession war.

Kasukuwere and Minister of Higher Education Jonathan Moyo who are fingered to be the masterminds behind G40 team are on record blaming the national paper for being abused by Team Lacoste(Mnangagwa faction) to soil their names.

They allege Christopher Mushowe the Minister of Information who is believed to be a member of Team Lacoste is using his position to order the media to attack them as a way to settle personal scores.

Meanwhile, Team Lacoste firebrand Justice Mayor Wadyajena who is a compassionate apologist to Emmerson Mnangagwa has come out guns blazing urging the state paper to blast G40 left, right, and centre.

The war has just geared up as Wadyajena urges the state media to blast G40 in the next edition of the papers. “Cde Caeser Zvayi (The Herald Editor) ridzai mbavha idzo in tomorrow’s edition of The Herald and The Chroncles,” he twitted literally translated ‘blast the thieves (G40) in your tomorrow’s papers.’

Wadyajena who hails from the same province with Mnangagwa is one person who has not hidden his allegiance to the VP, and has clashed with G40 verbally in many occasions.

He told the Herald team and their editor that he was proud of them; “Big up cde editor. I owe you whisky from Nembudziya (his home area) not kachasu (homebrew strong stuff) from Tsholotsho (Moyo’s home area).”

Moyo twitted that at the time he was information minister he used to tell editors at state papers that even propaganda machinations are founded on essential and relevant facts. This was met by Wadyajena’s mock laughing at Moyo for no longer having influence to the state media he twitted; ‘Mavharirwa kunze’ meaning you are now blocked out.

Since Moyo was demoted from the powerful ministry of information, which has direct influence on the operations of the state media in Zimbabwe, he has resorted to twitter as a vehicle to reach out, and share his thoughts and feelings.