Prominent trade unionist Obert Masaraure, who is also a teacher, will be on trial today at Harare Magistrates Court on Twitter-related charges after he was arrested last July & charged with defeating or obstructing the course of justice.

The Zimbabwe Human Rights (ZLHR) whose advocates are representing him has confirmed the development.

Masaraure who is represented by Tapiwa Muchineripi of ZLHR is also charged with incitement to commit public violence as defined in Section 187(1)(a) of Criminal Code as read with Section 36(1)(a) of Criminal Code.

Prosecutors allege that the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition spokesperson authored a statement which he published on Twitter & on Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union website, which was meant to prejudice his pending trial & that of ARTUZ Secretary General
Robson Chere & to persuade the teachers’ union members & the general public to commit public violence.
