A Gwanyanya man under Chief Mapanzure was last week Tuesday sentenced to 30 years in prison for raping his daughter.

The man (50) appeared before regional magistrate for Masvingo Colet Ncube on charges of two counts of raping his daughter (15)

He was sentenced to 30 years in prison for contravening section 65(1) of the criminal law (Codification and Reform Act) Chapter  9:23 and 5 years were suspended on conditions that Chituka doesn’t repeat similar crime in the next  five years.

Prosecutor Tavonga Musina told the court that the accused raped his daughter on two different occasions and the first was in a car after the accused called his daughter into the car in pretence of travelling and the second time was in his bedroom.

The matter came to light after the father raped the complainant for the second time on the 11th of May and the complainant went to report the case to her mother in Nemamwa on the 12th of May 2016. The accused and the complainant’s mother are divorced and the accused is in custody of all the three children in which the complainant is the oldest.

After the matter was reported to the mother on the 12th of May she called  the accused brothers.

The accused brothers came the same day around 1800 hours after they were informed of the incident,  the matter was reported to the police by  witnesses and the complainant on the 13th of May.