Image: H Metro

Comedienne Mai TT, real name Felistas Murata, holds the belief that her imprisonment serves a divine purpose, and she has embraced her destiny as she navigates the challenges of life within prison walls.

On Monday, during a gathering organized for the children of incarcerated individuals at Chikurubi Female Prison, Mai TT had an exclusive conversation with H-Metro.

Mai TT reminisced about a past incident when she visited the prison to donate sanitary products and food items.

She had expressed her desire to spend a night alongside the inmates as an act of solidarity, but unfortunately, her request was denied.

“I am yet to accept that I have to stay behind these walls and get used to such an uncomfortable environment. What came into my mind on my second day in my cell was my idea of visiting this same prison years ago. I pleaded with prison officials to allow me to spend one night with inmates, but they denied me that chance, arguing that their protocol does not consider such requests. I was touched by the living conditions of inmates, especially innocent babies, accompanying their mothers in prison. I wanted to know more and little did I know that one day I would be counted among inmates kwete zvekunyepera kana kukumbira. I want to believe that God is the one who gave me the idea to visit the prison and donate sanitary wear and food that year.

“Ndakazarurirwa kuti ndiMwari akazoona zvakanaka kuti ndiuye nenzira inouya nevazhinji vavo.

“A new chapter of my life has started and I need more grace to endure until I complete my sentence.

“Ndiwo unonzi mutsanyo uyu, ndakamboramba kudya asi ndinonzwa kushumirwa neumwe mutowo, it’s painful.”

She said those who were mocking her should not stop.

“It is my prayer that all those mocking me continue to do so, maybe, I will find favour in God’s eyes and He will get me out of this place.

“God is in control and His grace will take me through the race.”

During the party, Mai TT interacted and socialized with fellow inmates, seeming to enjoy herself as she danced to the music.

She was requested to deliver a vote of thanks and concluded the event with a heartfelt, lengthy prayer. She expressed her gratitude to Collen and his family for organizing and hosting the party.

iHarare/ H-Metro