In the midst of a personal  crises, a miraculous occurrence unfolded for Kevin Oliver (54), a Zimbabwean man without a home. It was as if Father Christmas had graced him ahead of time.

Kevin, once a well established kombi driver, found solace when Bruno Furniturez stepped forward. This compassionate individual from the United Kingdom not only secured accommodation for him but also generously covered his rent for an entire year.

Guided by his philanthropic spirit, the UK-based Zimbabwean secured a place for Kevin in Seke, a gesture that left him overwhelmed with gratitude.

Touched to the core, tears welled up in Kevin’s eyes as Bruno Furniturez presented him with a humble bed. Overwhelmed with emotion, he expressed, “Ndinoda kutenda Bruno Furniturez nekundipa mubhedha uye vose vakandibatsira” (I am grateful to Bruno Furniturez for providing me with a bed and assisting me in every way).

Kevin chose not to delve into his life’s tale, deeming it too poignant to recount. Instead, he finds solace in the present, embracing the warmth of a comfortable place to sleep—a stark contrast to the hardships he endured, which garnered attention on social media, where he was known as the “man weaving through the trials of sleeping in a car.” Today, he has been blessed with a peaceful refuge to lay his head, and for that, he is immensely grateful.