President Emmerson Mnangagwa says he had no beef with his then boss, late former President Robert Mugabe even when he fired him.

Addressing mourners at the late ZANU-PF spokesperson Simon Khaya Moyo’s homestead in Bulawayo yesterday, Mnangagwa said there was no bad blood between him and Mugabe, but with his wife, Grace.

“During the 8th interface rally here in Bulawayo, the then President said “ndinokudonhedza” I had nothing with the then President except Grace Mugabe.

“I was later fired and when I came back I appointed SK to be Secretary for Information,” he said.

Meanwhile, President Mnangagwa described Moyo as a seasoned politician whose war credentials and hero status cannot be doubted.

He said Moyo was a lion whose roar would send the opposition Movement for Democratic Change scurry for cover.

Mnangagwa thanked the Moyo family for accepting his offer declaring Khaya Moyo a national hero.

Meanwhile, Moyo will be buried at the National Heroes Acre on Monday.
