Advocate Thabani Mpofu has petitioned Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) commander, Lieutenant General Anselem Nhamo Sanyatwe for declaring that ZANU PF will not be dislodged through the ballot, adding that the country’s dreaded military will use force to ensure voters cast their ballots in the ruling party’s favour.

Sanyatwe who is blamed for his role in the killing of six protesters and bystanders August 1, 2018, made these sentiments while addressing a recent Zanu PF rally in Nyanga North constituency where his wife is MP.

It is unconstitutional for a serving soldier to belong to any political party or act in any partisan manner.

Sanyatwe vowed President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s regime will not lose power.

Meanwhile, Mpofu who represented the then Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader, when he challenged Mnangagwa’s election victory in 2018, has written to Sanyatwe calling him to order.

“War heroes don’t intimidate civilians, they protect them. Sanyatwe must stick to his constitutional role and leave politics to politicians.

“The nation deserves a military that safeguards democracy, not one that undermines it. It is in that context that I have written to Sanyatwe,” he said.

Below is Mpofu’s letter: