Exiled former cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo has accused Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa of imposing losing bigwigs thereby creating double candidates.

He says what Chamisa did was similar to his imposition of David Coltart as council candidate despite him having came last among those who contested for community endorsement.


Advocate Nelson Chamisa nevamwe vavo vangataure zvavanoda. Asi chokwadi chiripachena ndechekuti Advocate Chamisa vaka imposer losing candidates and made a mockery of the claim that CCC is about democratic and progressive change and that its candidates would be chosen by the communities they come from or represent.

The revealing testimony on the attached video clip is very similar to Advocate Chamisa’s imposition of David Coltart as the council candidate for Ward 4 in Bulawayo, when in point of fact, David came last among the candidates who contested for the endorsement of and selection by the community.

It is hypocritical and insulting to local communities for self-proclaimed change change champions in CCC to be so contemptuous of local communities as is narrated on the video clip, and as happened in Ward 4 in Bulawayo, where Harare imposed David Coltart as its candidate, after he was resoundingly rejected by the local community in Bulawayo