Cabinet has received a report and approved the engagement of Vitronic Machine Vision Middle East in implementing a Smart Traffic Management System in Zimbabwe.

This was revealed by Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Jenfan Muswere during post cabinet briefing yesterday.

He said the company will invest between 60 to 80 million US dollars as an intial investment outlay.

The project will be implemented under a Public-Private-Parliament model and will, at inception, be implemented in Harare and Bulawayo Metropolitan provinces.

Apparently, the development comes at the backdrop of increased traffic jams in main towns and cities like Harare and Bulawayo.

Reckless driving has become an epidemic on Zimbabwe’s roads, threatening the safety and well-being of its citizens.

Daily, countless lives are at risk due to drivers’ irresponsible behaviour behind the wheel. Zimbabwe needs to tighten its traffic enforcement laws and work with stakeholders to tame the traffic jungle together.

Reckless driving is caused by any person who drives a vehicle in a wilful or malicious manner, disregarding the safety of people or property.

According to the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe (TSCZ), there were a total of 51 924 crashes in 2023, resulting in 2 099 deaths and 9 955 injuries.

The TSCZ exists in terms of the Traffic Safety Act (Chapter 13:17) and aims to operate at the highest level of performance in the promotion of road safety to reduce deaths, injury and property damage on Zimbabwe’s roads.
