Former Police Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri’s bid to stop a High Court order for him to explain the source of his wealth hit a brick wall after his appeal was dismissed this Tuesday.

This comes after Chihuri in his last court appearance argued against surrendering his properties on the basis that it is unconstitutional, claiming that he amassed his wealth through farming.

Chihuri filed an application that his matter be referred to the Constitutional Court over the constitutionality of legislation that empowers the Prosecutor General to apply and obtain unexplained wealth orders and interim freezing orders without notice to the defendant.

However, Advocate Chris Mutangadura filed a counter application with Chihuri filing his own application challenging the validity of the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act.

On the other hand, Justice Pisirai Kwenda dismissed the application maintaining that Chihuri should explain circumstances around the US$32 million aid by the Zimbabwe Republic Police to his companies and how the firms were engaged.

Justice Kwenda has, however, removed the terms of the order which required Chihuri to explain how he acquired certain houses and vehicles as some of the properties were acquired before he became Police Commissioner General in 1990.

Chihuri is being accused of allegedly diverting more than US$32 million from police coffers to his companies during his 25-year tenure at the apex of the police force.
