Blocked presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere’s team has warned that the forthcoming elections will be very hard for ZANU PF to rig.

One of Kasukuwere’s strategist Ali Naka says while President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa may remove everyone from the ballot, this will increase his votes, adding that this year’s polls will be hard for him to rig.

“Unelectable Emerson can remove everyone on the ballot and leave Elizabeth Valerio and Busha, that will not increase his vote!

“2023 is going to be VERY expensive to Rig that’s IF the “election” does happen,” he says.

Kasukuwere himself said he will defeat Mnangagwa’s machinations, expose the state capture and reverse it:

“It’s our sacred duty to stand up against tyranny and defy all its machinations.

“Zimbabwe is our country and we have to fight for our freedoms and rights.

“Let’s expose the depth of capture and reverse it! This can’t continue! In the name of the Lord, Enough is Enough.”
