Succession battle in ZANU PF, government to take new course- analyst…civil war could not be ruled out Political Reporter Simba Moyo

The recent prophecy by the Johane Masowe YeChishanu (Vadzidzi vaJesu) leader Mudzidzi Wimbo revealing that none of the current crop of leadership in ZANU PF, who are angling to take President Robert Mugabe’s throne will get the stick is likely to take new course and stir strife.

The ruling party is currently divided into two major parts, the Generation 40 (G40) those who are  of the school of thought that the younger generation should take over the reigns on one end, and Team Lacoste those who think that Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa should be the heir to the other.

Wimbo’s prophecy seems to nullify these expectations; as he said in his prophetic vision, he sees someone from outside the country being in charge ahead of the current leadership.

Wimbo is famed to have allegedly prophesied that Mugabe would lead the country 60 years before, and it did come to pass. He also prophesied commotion in the country.

Political commentator Elder Mabhunu who happens to hail from the same province as Wimbo says the prophecy will see a shift in the current squabbles bedevilling the ruling party today.

“The course is likely to change, the first scenario will see the current leadership trying to locate the possible would-be successor for elimination, as they feel being outwitted, after having had worked so hard to consolidate positions.

“The other will see the army getting nasty, especially if the successor has no war credentials. That could trigger a civil war,” he says.

Mabhunu says the country’s national army is famed for meddling in politics, and claiming that it would not recognise anyone without war credentials to run the country, even when he or she has been legitimately voted into the office.

The Zimbabwe service chiefs are on record saying they would not salute someone who has no war credentials, such utterances seem to have set bad precedence, says the renowned political commentator.

However, on another note which is unlikely, Mabhunu says the other scenario would be that the prophecy may be a hoax by Mugabe so that he neutralise his warring generals. “With Mugabe, anything is possible, he could be the hand behind the prophecy so that he neutralise his warring cabals,” he says.

Mugabe has on several occasions exhibited that he doesn’t have trust in his current deputies’ ability to run the country, including Mnangagwa his trusted lieutenant and right hand-man for years. zimnews