As Zimbabwe’s much anticipated polls draw close, opposition candidates are reportedly appealing for food assistance to feed their election agents during the voting period.

In the previous elections, some opposition agents had to be given food by some ZANU PF agents who are well catered for by their party.

It is suspected that ZANU PF use state funds to feed its agents during elections, just like it reportedly does for its private programs.

Renowned investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono confirms receiving appeal messages from opposition candidates.

“I am receiving many messages from opposition candidates desperately appealing for help to feed polling agents, airtime and for transport.

“I appeal to ALL of you to check with your candidates and see what kind of help you can give them.

“I looked at the polling station adoption chart, 9233 polling stations are not adopted.

“This is no longer about CCC, but about protecting the vote because unless Nelson Chamisa has arranged polling agents which we don’t know of, we will have a disaster if nothing is done.

“RETWEET so that many people see this note and help candidates in their rural areas immediately.”

Apparently, according to analysts it is not good for opposition parties to have their agents getting fed by ZANU PF agents.

Calls are being made for opposition parties to feed their election agents well so that they won’t be bribed by ZANU PF because of hunger.
