One of Dynamos Football Club founding fathers, Bernard Marriot, appeared in court last Friday for allegedly defrauding the club of more than US$1 million.

He is set to return to court on May 3.

The State said sometime in 2005, there was a dispute between founding members and former players and they resolved their issue before Justice Luke Malaba.

It was ruled that each founding member or a former player was entitled to one percent share of the total shares of the club.

In 2008, elections were held and George Shaya was elected chairman with Ernest Kamba as secretary.

The State said few days after the election of Shaya as chairman, Marriot connived with the late Richard Chiminya to forcefully acquire the position of chairman, and self-appointed Chiminya as chairman.

The State said after the death of Chiminya in 2012, Marriot forged minutes of a meeting which purportedly appointed him chairman.

It is alleged that after acquiring the chairmanship, Marriot acquired 51 percent shares and allocated seven percent shares to seven more people who were neither founding members nor former players.

The State said the club was prejudiced of about US$1 200 000.
