Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko yesterday said it is not a given that a Karanga person will succeed President Mugabe, saying people should not lose sleep over statements by some excitable people in Zanu-PF.

VP Mphoko said some people were already insinuating that President Mugabe was a Zezuru and it followed that a Karanga should succeed him. Introducing First Lady Grace Mugabe at a function where she was assessing the impact of the drought caused by the El Nino phenomenon at Kanyemba Secondary School in Chiweshe, Mashonaland Central yesterday, VP Mphoko said people should not fool themselves thinking that the Presidency was up for grabs.

“There is nowhere in our Constitution where it is written that this country was liberated by a Karanga, a Ndau, a Zezuru or a Ndebele,” he said. “What we hear now that President Mugabe is a Zezuru and if he steps down a Karanga should take over is not what we fought for. That is a Rhodesian mind. Don’t lose sleep over statements by some excitable people because there is nothing like that.

“We have party ideology and if you jump away from that you risk being hit by landmines out there. You will die, it’s your fault. Don’t say I have not warned you. So, let’s not fool ourselves thinking that the position of Presidency is up for grabs by everyone.

“Number two, being greedy and too ambitious makes you a bad subordinate. That is the first sin. You cannot separate greediness and some bad ambitions. Satan had a beautiful voice in the Bible, but he could not contend with his position. He wanted to take over God’s position and he fell down.”

VP Mphoko said he was happy with his post as Vice President. He said by virtue of that position, out of 14 million people in Zimbabwe, he was number three after President Mugabe and his colleague Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Speaking at the same occasion, Zanu-PF national commissar Cde Saviour Kasukuwere said the party would kick out all provincial chairpersons who defied directives.

He made reference to Mashonaland East, Masvingo and Midlands provinces. “If you are a Zanu-PF member, do Zanu-PF things not to try and intimidate us,” he said. “We called for a rally in the presence of all provincial chairpersons that the President is coming. Some of you go to the President and say we were not informed, it’s Kasukuwere’s project. Pasi nemi. Ibvai pazvigaro izvozvo tange taneta nemi.

“Amai (First Lady) don’t be intimidated. Apa zvekuuya paMazowe makatakura magrenade forget it. Mashonaland Central will not accept it.“We are going to die for President Mugabe. If it means we die for him, we must die for him. You make grenades with petrol and paraffin. Who do you want to threaten? As I speak right now, they are busy trying to raise money for bail for those criminals. Why are you doing that? If you defend President Mugabe why are you defending criminals?

“Who did you want to bomb? Who chose that target? Why do you go for the President? Amai, we need serious introspection. We don’t want to lie to each other. If you love the President, defend him.”

Cde Kasukuwere said the younger generation was also prepared to die for President Mugabe’s cause. “Amai, go and tell the President that war veterans fought for the liberation struggle, but also the younger generation is prepared to die for President Mugabe’s cause,” he said.

“We don’t support President Mugabe, but we believe in President Mugabe. If he forms a church today, we will follow him. We don’t want people who fool the President pretending to love him more. You are busy defending criminals who wanted to kill the President. We know who did it and we are not scared of you. Amai, Mashonaland Central we are here for you.

Cde Kasukuwere was referring to the attempted bombing of the First Family’s Alpha Omega Dairy in Mazowe for which four people are already appearing in court with one having been convicted upon pleading guilty.

“Don’t threaten us,” he said. “There is no one who has title deeds for this country. We are tired of you, we are now removing gloves. Let’s go for the dry hands. Either you are behind Mugabe or get out of the party.

“Kana usingade pauri ipapo baya, pane ari kuda chair iyoyo.”Cde Kasukuwere said he was the only intelligence officer who entered the headquarters of Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama, so people should not brag about their war credentials.” herald