UK authorities  close Willows Medical Centre Run By Zim Dr Sylvester Nyatsuro a relative of Mugabes.

Dr Nyatsuro and his wife Veronica are UK citizens who grabbed a Mazowe farm from a white Zimbabwean farmer.

Zim exiles protest at Nyatsuro surgery in Nottingham

UK inspectors have closed The Willows Medical Centre in Carlton Nottingham.

The surgery owned by Doctor Nyatsuro and his wife Veronica was closed after a visit by the local Care Quality Commission(CQC) last week.

“Inspectors visited the surgery following concerns that had been raised and, as a result, urgent enforcement action is being taken.”


Dr Sylvester Nyatsuro and his wife Veronica made headlines when they grabbed a farm owned by a white Zimbabwean in Mazowe.

It was further revealed that the Nyatsuros are related to Mugabe’s wife Grace who was pictured with them at an orphanage in Zimbabwe.

His surgery has seen a lot of demonstrations by exiled Zimbabweans who want UK authorities to shut the surgery and deport the owners back to Zimbabwe ‘so they can go back and farm’.