PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe has agreed to turn the Zanu-PF annual conference set for December into an extra-ordinary congress setting the stage for what could be the final nail into Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s coffin and the elevation of his wife Grace into the ruling party presidium.

According to, Zanu-PF national commissar Saviour Kasukuwere reportedly introduced the issue of an extra ordinary congress while presenting his report to the party’s politburo on Wednesday but it turned out the G40 kingpin had only consulted three provinces.

“Mugabe said it would be un-procedural and ordered the commissariat to make sure all provinces are consulted. There will be provincial coordinating committee meetings to consider the issue beginning this weekend.

“The extra-ordinary congress is set to consider changes to the constitution to bring back the provision for a woman deputy president or introduce a third vice president,” an insider privy to the issue said.

 “The issue of the president is fait accompli but the internal succession wrangling and he (Mugabe)’s age have forced the leadership to consider several options. Remember Grace wants power and has been demanding that she be made vice president in Mnangagwa’s steady”.

Political analyst Pedzisai Ruhanya said the extra-ordinary congress sounds unreal and would be a waste of time if Mugabe is still a candidate.

“If Zanu-PF is calling for an extra-ordinary congress to reaffirm Mugabe’s leadership then there is nothing more stupid than that. It does not make sense because Mugabe does not require a congress to fire Mnangagwa unless he wants to hide behind such a process to claim he has a new mandate to reconstitute the politburo which he can do now. It would be a waste of time and resources unless they have something up their sleeve we are not aware of,” Ruhanya said.