Kenya’s President William Ruto says he will continue to lead the government that would ensure peace and security of all citizens.

He labelled the recent anti-finance bill protests as ‘treasonous’ and directed security forces to ensure the safety of all Kenyans.

While delivering his speech amid protests, Ruto condemned the violence and promised to hunt down the planners and funders.

President Ruto: I shall continue to lead a government that is fully committed to maintaining the integrity of our state and enhancing the peace and security of all citizens and their livelihoods.

The government will uphold its constitutional mandate to secure our nation and its development, and shall treat threats as an existential danger to our Republic.

I assure Kenyans that we shall provide a full, effective, and expeditious response to today’s treasonous events.

I put on notice the planners, financiers, abettors & orchestrators of violence and anarchy, that the security infrastructure will be deployed to secure the country and restore normalcy. We must isolate crime from those expressing freedom of expression.

I have directed all organs of our national security to deploy measures to thwart any attempts by dangerous criminals to undermine the security and stability of our country.

As the people of Kenya go to bed tonight, I give you my assurance that the safety of your families and properties remains my utmost priority.