Black market fuel dealers are back at it again, this time business is booming like never before due to rise in oil prices on the global market which hit the Zimbabwe market the hardest.

It is reported that the situation is as a result of shortages on the formal market as licensed dealers are reluctant to acquire large volumes of fuel at high prices.

A commuter omnibus driver Watson Manono said he is impatient with some queues that are present at several stations due to the high demand, preferring to buy on the black market industry.

“The price of diesel on the black market is cheap. Fuel irikunetsa and you are aware of it, uye ma queues ndiwo atisina nguva nawo when we want to make our trips.
“In the end we just get the fuel on the black market because we need to meet our daily targets,” said driver Watson Manono.

Meanwhile RBZ governor John Mangudya has warned of a possible hike on the  fuel prices. state media