Former Chief Executive Officer of NetOne Cellular (Pvt) Ltd, Reward Kangai has lambasted the City of Harare over the Pomona deal.

He says having listened to the conversation on proposed Pomona Waste Management his heart bled at the patent lack of due diligence on project.

He urges those in authority not to be guided by greed but undertake projects that leave all stakeholders better off with sustainable development projects.

Kangai says in his view, there is absolutely no reason why an International Open Competitive Bidding process for the proposed Pomona Waste Management project could not be undertaken, even on the basis of a Build Own Operate Transfer, BOOT or Build Transfer Own, BTO basis.

He says at some point, the then PTC rejected a similar deal after noticing that it was not good for the country.

“Back in the early 80s, the PTC was offered to construct the Mazowe Earth Satellite Station for free but on condition that all it’s international traffic be transited through the European donor country’s capital! PTC declined as bulk of revenue would have gone to transit fees!”

Kangai says the country should also not overlook the allegation that the contractor in the waste deal was blacklisted in another jurisdiction.

Asking that if, true, why would City of Harare go to bed with a tainted contractor?

“One big multi-national co. was for years barred from World Bank funded projects due to bribery,” he noted.
