Masvingo: Embattled Zanu PF Provincial Commissar, Jeppy Jaboon was ejected from the VIP tent at the late Masvingo State Minister Shuvai Ben Mahofa’ s funeral.

As factional tension continues to escalate to unprecedented levels in the ruling party Zanu PF, angry Team Lacoste Mnangagwa members believe there is a well calculated plot to annihilate their camp ahead of the 2018 elections.

 Jaboon arrived in the company of Tourism Minister, Walter Mzembi and both of them went to the VIP tent.

However, Team Lacoste Members, Nobert Ndaarombe, Godfrey Mkungunugwa , Aaron Muvengwa and Brian Munyoro immediately registered their displeasure with Jaboon’ s presence in the VIP tent.

 There was heightened tension as disgruntled Team Lacoste members hurled insults at Jaboon.

“We do not want to see you in the VIP tent, you think we do not know your intentions?”shouted the angry youths.

Team Lacoste youths also accused Jaboon of bringing ice cream laced with poison from Gushungo Dairy to the funeral.

In an incident that triggered unrest in the ruling party, perceived Team Lacoste leader and Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa became mysteriously ill after allegedly eating ice cream from Gushungo Dairy at the Provincial Youth Interface Rally in Gwanda.

“Jaboon was asked to leave the VIP tent because of mounting tension between G-40 and Lacoste Team,” said the provincial member.

Former provincial chairman, Amasa Nhenjana was also taunted by the angry Team Lacoste members at the funeral.

Emotions are high in the lacoste camp. Mnangagwa’s close allies Godfrey Tsenegami , Gomwe and Philip  Chabata are seen posting on social  media promising a heavy revenge and statements  such as “Yamakatanga Hamuigoni and tichapedzerana”.