Norton Independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa says he was impressed with Citizens Coalition for Change CCC president Nelson Chamisa’s security team.

Mliswa says he watched Chamisa’s security team at work, and noticed that it was well trained and impressive.

“I looked at @nelsonchamisa walking into Sakubva stadium with his security team and I can say I was impressed.

“It shows they have been getting some training from security experts. The security team was impressive in leading and guiding him around,” says Mliswa.

He advised the ruling party, ZANU-PF to rebrand and renew itself:

“They need to renew their leadership so as to attract certain people. Business people, young people etc.

“Politics is a science, it’s about timing & doing what is needed at that time. You can no longer be heavy handed anymore even to your own supporters. That won’t work forever.”
