Information filtering through is that Movement for Democratic Change-Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa is under bullets attack in Mutare at Lynnette Kore’s house, with alleged ZANU-PF thugs shooting at and trying to kill him.

According to his party, the police at roadblocks were being ordered by ZANU-PF thugs to shoot him dead.

Earlier on the party posted:

Violence of the sort experienced in Masvingo has broken out in Mutare where President @nelsonchamisa
is set to meet community leaders.

A number of Hilux vehicles carrying armed, rowdy thugs are advancing towards the President’s convoy. Details to follow.

•A bullet flew through one window of the vehicle carrying President
& out through the other.
•This attempted assassination & use of gunshots on President Chamisa’s vehicle & another that is part of his convoy are cause for grave concern.

•There has been another attempted assassination on President
•Armed thugs threw large boulders at his vehicle which has been badly damaged.
•The President’s vehicle sped off & continues to be trailed by more than 12 unmarked cars.

President Chamisa’s advance vehicles and his cars have been stoned in a high speed chase with hired Zanu PF thugs in unmarked vehicles.
•The objects that attacked the vehicles made loud gunshot sounds.

•Vehicles were shot at & stoned.
•Police at roadblocks were taking instructions from the armed Zanu PF thugs.

•2 cars that form part of President Chamisa’s convoy were shot at by armed ZANU PF thugs that are attempting to block President Chamisa from entering Mutare.
•The vehicle that President Chamisa is in was shot at directly.

•There was an excessive no. of roadblocks as President Chamisa’s convoy approached Mutare.
•The roadblocks were coordinated by Zanu PF thugs who were giving police instructions.
•They we’re used to slow down the convoy as unmarked vehicles approached.

Human Rights lawyer Alex Magaisa says:

“I’ve just had a conversation with Nelson Chamisa, leader of Zimbabwe’s opposition.

“He’s calm albeit under serious pressure.

“I don’t say this lightly but it was a heinous attempt on his life.

“The regime has gone rogue. It can’t manage him politically so it’s gone dirty.”

MDC Alliance vice president Tendai Biti says state agents were part of the team trying to kill Chamisa.

He claims they were following the MDC A leader everywhere for the rest of the day.

Apparently, the police is yet to issue a statement if a report has been made or not.
