In a press statement released by the Harare Provincial ZANU PF Youth League yesterday, its chairperson Godwin Gomwe said his party respects the rule of law, as shown by its acceptance of the police order, declining the party clearance to hold its solidarity march  on June 6th.

The move follows a plan by the ruling party youths to engage in a solidarity march, the same day the MDC Alliance has been granted permission to demonstrate against irregularities by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission regarding the printing of ballot papers.

“As a peaceful and law abiding youth league, we had taken precautions and sought police clearance…The police turned down our request… as a leadership we automatically accepted and embraced this decision by the police…,” reads parts of Gomwe’s statement.

Since coming to power, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has managed to pretend that he was softer than his mentor, Robert Mugabe, so that he can blind many into thinking that he is a better devil.

ED’s approach is that he pretends to be law abiding in trivial issues, while maintaining an iron grip on issues that matters most such as electoral reforms. ED has totally paid a blind eye on this hot topic. By allowing his youths to be barred from marching, and allowing MDC Alliance to proceed with theirs he is neither a fool nor a pushover as some would think.

Some of ED’s piecemeal reforms include violent free campaigns.

No major cases of politically linked violence so far; Mugabe was on record condemning violence, but letting it happen in broad daylight; people died as houses belonging to opposition supporters were burnt.

ED has expressed willingness to meet political opponents to map way forward, unlike Mugabe who was hostile to those of divergence views.

ED has invited election observers from all over the globe, unlike Mugabe who barred those perceived to be pro-opposition parties.

“Unlike Mugabe who once lambasted the judiciary for allowing a demonstration to carry on, Mnangagwa is pretending to be a better guy by letting the police bar his own youths from marching, so as to blind people that he doesn’t tolerate selective application of the law,”

As expressed the ZANU PF chairperson for UK, Nick Mangwana, according to him, by following the police orders not to march, the new dispensation has shown its commitment to the of law.


“Talk of even-handedness and responsible policing. Stopping the Zanu Pf march and letting the MDC one to proceed is further evidence that this is indeed a new dispensation…,” wrote Mangwana on his twitter account.

However, there are several major things that Mnangagwa will not correct; among them opening the media for all parties, to blind people he may allow a short clip of opposition rally to be aired, while his own rallies are covered by an Outside Broadcasting van for the whole duration of the rally.

He will not tackle corruption, as most of his current administrators have been fingered in corrupt dealings, last but not least, ED will rather have his youths barred from marching than carrying out electoral reforms.

ED has proved to be a ‘listening president’ on matters of least importance.

As pointed out by US Senator Chris Coons Mnangagwa is dragging his feet in the implementation of key electoral reforms so as to disadvantage opposition parties ahead of the much awaited general elections.