ZANU PF Midlands Province has called for the expulsion of Blessed Geza from the ruling party’s Central Committee.

Addressing a meeting, Midlands Provincial chairperson Edson Chiherenge said Geza’s removal from the Central Committee has been endorsed by all provinces and awaits implementation.

“Midlands Province Chairman CDE E Chiherenge takes a strong stance against Gezi, leading chants of ‘Pasi naGezi’ at the conference.

“The call for Geza’s removal from the central committee has been endorsed by all 10 provinces.


Geza recently led a press conference by a faction of the war veterans which called for the resignation of President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.

They accused Mnangagwa of nepotism, brooding corruption and mismanaging the country’s economy.

Reacting to the said plan to remove Geza from the Central Committee, Kasukuwere said those plotting it should know that it’s now too late.

“When they have failed to fix the health system, failed the pensioners, failed the army, failed the police, brought hunger and misery to the people, they resort to insults. Please just get ready, it’s over NOW.”
