After going on social media to expose her cheating husband Olinda Chapel Chideme reconciled with singer Stunner and was in bed with him moments later.

While many had sympathy with her over her situation, they could not do so after hearing that the two quickly made up and were in bed together immediately after.

After the reconciliation, many now think that the crying and suicide threat was just attention seeking on the part of Olinda from Stunner and those who care to listen.

Stunner’s wife is a wealthy UK based Zimbabwean born  business woman who rushed into a marriage arrangement with the singer after knowing him over a short period of time in 2016.

Below are some responses:

  • saka olinda paanodzokera ku UK, Stunner haach****???hanzi dont bite the hand that feeds you, stunner akwata kudzokera sadza nematemba, but seriously though, this was just a publicity stunt, kuda kunyaudza vanhu pasina, nxaaaaaaa very stupid vese vari two, they deserve each other, next time orlinda akati akuda kuzviuraya, musiyei amwe mapiritsi coz munhu anoda kuzviuraya chaiye, haamboswera achitora video kudaro, i think shes just old and desperate while stunner is broke and desperate, we call them TEAM DESPERADO, vakasangana and they deserve each each
  • Uri benzi remukadzi iwe . Leave that bastard for good. There are nice guys out there waiting for you, nxaa.
  • Benzi remukadzi saka kana wakonana ne murume wako unoparidzira vanhu pa social media kuti zvidii, u don’t fit kunzi mai vemusha mai imi. Makafanira kurambwa zvinoratidza kuti hamuna kukwana. Kana uchida kufa ifa wakanyarara.

Olinda has since deactivated her social media accounts