The ongoing drama surrounding the allegations of corruption in the sale of land at Harare City Council has seen the local authority suspending city planner Samuel Nyabezi, in the latest episode.
A report in the online Zim Morning Post indicates that Nyabezi was dismissed Tuesday last week after he was fingered in the questionable sale of land in the Willowvale area.
His suspension comes in the wake of the recent suspensions of a total of 14 top officials at Town House together with six councilors from opposition figure Nelson Chamisa’s MDC Alliance.
They were arrested in connection with the sale of 152 residential stands in Kuwadzana.
Nyabezi has also been barred from interfering with the currently underway investigations by visiting his workplace or the local authority’s premises.
A one Chawatama, who is the director of works at Harare city council penned Nyabezi’s suspension letter.
“Your suspension follows serious allegations that you breached Clause 10.5 (t) of the Code which provides for Conduct Inconsistent in that you were allegedly involved in a questionable transaction regarding lot 2 of subdivion B of subdivision A of Willovale,” wrote Chawatama to the suspended town planner.
Nyabezi could neither deny nor confirm that he had, indeed been suspended, when Zim Morning Post sought verification on the matter.
“I am not in a position to comment on such issues. I understand that you want to write a balanced story but for now I cannot comment,” he said.
The list of an alleged 14-member syndicate of council officials who were netted by the CID Commercial Crimes Unit consists of human capital director Matthew Marara, Tapiwa Gona (head of public lighting),Tonderai Mukora (surveyor), Believer Mupandawana, Tineyi Kureva, Magret Sarudzai George, Mazano Zvakanyorwa, Wellington Tauya, Austin Tapiwanashe, Rudo Pauline Chigocha, Timothy Majena, Bernard Mkuna and Kizito Chikowore.
Additional Reporting: Zwnews