UK: Zimbabwe born Girl Child Network founder Dr Betty Makoni has revealed that she made a full recovery after testing positive for coronavirus.

Writing about her near death experience on social media she urged Zimbabweans who test positive from covid-19 to stay strong as this does  not always constitute a death sentence.

She said:

Neniwo ndaitoverengawo kuti virus rakatangirawo kumusika weWahun kuChina. Ndichitoti agh kubva kuChina kusvikawo pandiri munomuEssex kunyepa chaiko. But virus iri is very complex and deceptive. Vakawanda it gives mild symptoms Zimbabwe had an opportunity to stop it kuairport. (I ignorantly thought since the virus originated from a wet market in Wuhan, China, chances were slim that it would find me here in Essex. But that is not true. In many people it usually displays mild symptoms. Zimbabwe had an opportunity to stop it at the airport)

Vazhinji mandibvunza kuti ndakashandisei.I think it differs but build immune system chop chop (Many of you are asking me what I used for my recovery, it’s essential to boost your immune system)
1. Antibiotic ndakapihwa nadoctor to treat secondary infection (doctor gave me an antibiotic to treat a secondary infection)
2.Lemon mixed with garlic, raw tomatoes etc to keep immune strong
3. Exercise for cardio
4. Lots of Vitamins
5. Paracetmol