BULAWAYO: A woman is grumbling that she’s having sleepless nights because of her husband who has turned into a poking monster by allegedly demanding s_ex the whole night.

Grace Tembo from Pumula South suburb said her husband Tendai Kasambira loves se_x too much.

A seemingly exhausted Tembo begged a Bulawayo magistrate Rachael Mukanga to grant her a protection order against her husband based on the fact that he was physically and se_xually abusing her.

She told court:

“Tendai Kasambira and I have been customarily married since 2008. He is abusive. He is a very violent man and he beat me up with fists and a belt.

“After beating me up, he forced me to have se_xual inte_rcourse with him the whole night when I will be in pain because of his severe beatings.

State media reports that the high demanding husband has made her life intolerable with his “cruel behaviour” and his insatiable desire for se_x made it impossible for them to live together under one roof.
